Friday, November 16, 2012

Another 2 Years of Stalemate - It's All About Penis Size

Here we go again!  The elections are over and for 24 hours, the talk in Washington DC was about "working together to solve the problems of the Nation".  What a crock!

Now it's been 10 days since the election and everyone is drawing a line in the sand about what they (any and all elected officials) are willing to do and not going to do to fix the country.  It's not about doing "right from wrong", it's about who has the bigger ego (penis size).

Just like the perception that many men drive fancy cars as a part of "penis compensation", the back and forth crap in Washington DC and all other political levels should be considered the same as when some egotistical person drives a fancy car.

Now it's all about the "fiscal cliff".  This fiscal doomsday came about because Congress placed 12 people in a room for 8 weeks to determine a path to get out of the financial mess of our country.  The so-called fiscal cliff was put in place as a last resort, believing that none of the 12 Congress members would allow this fiscal cliff to occur and would work to map out a workable solution.  It didn't work, and now what we used as a last resort will occur in less than 6 weeks.

If 12 Congress members couldn't work out a solution in 8 weeks, what makes anyone, from the President to the lowest elected official, think this problem will be solved in less than 6 weeks.  Let us not forget that Congress granted itself 10 days off for Thanksgiving, plus 3 weeks for Christmas and New much for having time to work together.

We must also remember that over 96% of incumbents were re-elected by us....'we the people' that have the power to make change, but we gave up our rights to these elected idiots.

Yes, 'we the people', could have sent a powerful message to Congress by ridding ourselves of the folks that created this calamity.  Instead we developed the same attitude and ego of our elected idiots.  Even at the individual voter level, it was all about penis size.

The fiscal cliff will happen, no matter what Washington DC does for the problem.  Most likely it will be a short term fix, as it has been for the past umpteen years, and the problem will worsen.

So what do 'we the people' have to do?  We must rid ourselves of these idiots that just worry about penis size!  All they care about is re-election and we are like lemmings by falling for their crap every 2 years. 

If we rid ourselves of every Congress member (including Senators) that have been in office 10 years or more, you would see some fantastic cooperation among the new members of Congress.  

It's not about Democrat or's about ego.  Does anyone honestly believe that raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans will create more jobs?  Every member of Congress would be affected by this plan and how many new jobs would each of these idiots create for America?  

If John Boehner is correct, by not raising taxes on wealthy Americans, more jobs will be created.  Hey John, how many jobs have you created by having lower taxes?  the same goes for Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Cantor.  Nothing but hypocrites. 

Does anyone really believe that raising the minimum age to retire to 66 or 67 is going to kill the country?  Come on, most people know already plan to work beyond 65 because they have to continue to have a better income than Social Security.  So why the stiff resistance to this change by politicians?  You guessed it...penis size.

If we have a stated age requirement for people to retire, shouldn't that also apply to politicians? We do not need politicians in office for 20 or more years and being over 70 years old.  How can these people understand what is affecting the country, when they are more concerned about staying in office, building up their retirement accounts and dragging their oxygen tanks through the halls of Congress.

If my thinking is correct and individual Americans, including you and me, are more concerned about "drawing a line in the sand" wouldn't it be logical to vote these idiots out of office?  By telling Congress and all other elected officials that 'we the people' aren't going to follow their crap any more, doesn't that give us the biggest penis?

We don't need to drive sports cars, or have "bling" dripping off our bodies, or flash around a lot of cash to prove ourselves...all we have to do is rid ourselves of any elected official that has been in office more than 10 years.  That is what it will take to have the biggest penis.

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