Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Why I Love My Wife

Most of the time, I use my blog to vent my dislike for events in our country, governmental distrust and dysfunction, and a variety of personal opinions that don't mean anything. 

Today I want to discuss with the world, the most important thing in my life, the force that propels me through time and space each day, my motivation to rise each morning...that would be my wonderful wife, Leanne.

I'm madly in Love with her; it doesn't matter how we are getting along at any moment, all I know is that she is the last face I want to see before I die.  I know that I'm in Love with Leanne, each time I inhale and exhale, each moment I'm asleep, and with each heartbeat.

Have you ever been with someone that stops time for you?  I can look at Leanne when I'm next to her, or across the room, and for a nano-second, time stops.  There are times when I tell Leanne about these 'nano" moments, and she smiles at me, resulting in more stoppages.  I can't tell her about each of these unique occurrences because when they occur, time stops for me, I'm frozen, my brain is overloaded.

Her beauty causes my internal clock to stop.  Knowing how much she loves me causes my internal clock to stop.  Hugging Leanne each morning, letting the electricity fill my body as my hands and arms hold her close, causes my internal clock to stop.  My internal clock stops so often that that I should be running hours and hours behind everyone else in the world.  You get my point.

Leanne and I have an inside joke.  Whenever I have the opportunity to meet new people, she and I refer to them as "fresh meat".  This means a fresh opportunity to tell these new acquaintances, how much I love Leanne.  It's like trying to satisfy a hunger inside of me to let the world know how much I love her.  Therefore, they are "fresh meat"' for me.

As Leanne will attest, I've found "fresh meat" while on airplanes, at business meetings, in stores...even while waiting for a shuttle bus to the car rental center.  I can't help myself. 
I usually start out by saying there isn't a man more in Love with his wife than me.  

The advent of smart-phones allows me to carry dozens of pictures of Leanne, and I can find the pictures and have a slideshow of photos going within 10 seconds.  Before anyone realizes, they are watching all the photos of Leanne, as I provide the commentary.

Yes, we have our up and down moments...every relationship must have these times.  If there were never any "down" moments, then we would actually be on a plateau...that's not good.  Yet, no matter what is going on, I'm in Love with Leanne each second of any argument, each moment of any laughter, and each day of my life.

I could go into the infinite reasons I love this woman, but that would take at least the next 7+ years, because for every second Leanne is in my life, I have another reason to be in Love with her.

So today, instead of ranting about what is wrong with the world, allow me to tell you what is right with my life...her name is Leanne.  I love you Babe.

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much My's to a new Valentine!


Do you agree we need a strong and definitive change in our government?