Thursday, February 4, 2010

fiscal restraint - yeah right!

For the past several months, allAmericans have heard how we much cut back on our budgets and save money. The members of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, have been clamoring at the President for more fiscal restraint. Many politicians claim President Obama is going to drive the United States into bankruptcy.

If our worthy US Senators, who claim to fight for the average American, are so damn worried about fiscal responsibility, why did they give themselves $297 million to renovate their offices? That means each US Senator will have approximately $6 million to fix up their offices, buy new curtains, rugs and perhaps a good looking secretary that can't type.

Again will someone will please explain to me why we continue to re-elect incumbents at a greater than 90% return rate? By the way, not one Senator objected to this "perk".

Wake up America...we are doing this to ourselves.

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