Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's time for a revolution

I believe the time has come for another American Revolution. It's obvious to everyone that our current system of goverment isn't working as our Founding Fathers hoped for. Now that the Supreme Court ruled that American corporations can donate unlimited funds to candidates, we understand that only the rich will survive in the United states for the forseeable future.

I am not calling for a violent, armed insurrection against the government. The revolution needs to be confined to how we use the power of the vote, changing laws that are not skewed against the average American and to put in place safeguards to prevent further abuses of power.

When America was founded, there was no intention to make representation of citizens a personal career. We have people in elected offices that have held the same job for 40 to 50 years. We can't expect politicians who never held an average wage-earning job to understand how our country works at the lowest level of poverty. Bill Clinton never mowed a yard or owned a house until he left the presidency. George H. W. Bush was amazed at scanners in the grocery stores because he never had the reason to visit one before a photo-op situation.

It galls me that politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike, scream for more fiscal restraint, but are not willing to take the necessary steps. All cry that it will hurt their constituency in their districts. Wake up idiots, the people are already hurting. The senators and congressmen from Michigan want more Federal aid for their state, yet at the same time are blasting Obama for not keeping the Federal deficit in check.

My starting proposal is simple; we need to eliminate political parties. There should only be independent candidates with no allegiance to any specific party. Once we knock down this assinine concept of party lines and loyalties, perhaps candidates will vote for what is right; not for whatever their party leader tells them to do.

Of course, the elimination of political parties will never happen because there is too much money involved. Perhaps a new political party, the Revolutionary Party, whose goal is to change the government by ridding Congress of all incumbent politicians. Candidates on the Revolutionary Party ticket will have no allegiance to a specific political platform. These candidates should espouse beliefs and opinions that reflect the citizens within that specific region.

Think of it..the ultimate in bipartisanship. There would be no Senate majority leaders, no political influence dominated by monetary contributions from corporations, political action groups or foreign influences.

We would have to re-write the procedures of congressional protocol, but it's done all the time by whatever party is in power.

Imagine a revolution...a peaceful revolution...a peaceful revolution that produced results.

How can we as a country say we believe the United States is going in the wrong direction, yet we continue to vote for the same dumbwads that got our country in this situation to begin with?

John Lennon said "You say you want a revolution, we all want to change the world". So lets' do it.

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