Monday, November 12, 2012

President Obama is a "communist". Really?

It's only been a week since the election and instead of seeing a surge within the country to work together, there are large sections of the country that are doing everything they can, not to acknowledge the majority.

Even some "defeated" elected officials will not concede and allow the country and their constituents to move on.  Are the perks and privileges of power so strong that these defeated officials refuse to accept reality?

This is a good example of why our country is being torn apart, why we continue to have problems and will keep ourselves in a mindset of decline for the coming years.  There are members of my community that have gone so far as to call President Obama a "communist".  How does this help the country?

Granted, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but ask this...doesn't this opinion cause continued division within the country?  Let's stop generating personal hatred towards our leaders and work together to find ways to resolve our problems.

If you want to call President Obama a communist that's fine by me, but what are you willing to do to cut health care costs?  What are your thoughts on reducing the deficit?  

One more thing...why is Congress considering cuts to programs that assist the low income folks, but not cut programs that provide tax breaks to the rich?

The Republicans say that by giving tax breaks to the rich, the additional money will create jobs for all Americans.  How many extra positions will the millionaire politicians create?

The majority of elected officials at the Federal level are millionaires in their own right.  how many of these millionaire politicians stay awake at night thinking..."Hey, the government just saved me an extra $100,000 a year, I'm going to create jobs."

Do you think Kobe Bryant, Drew Brees, Jennifer Anniston, Denzel Washington, Tom Petty, Taylor Swift and others are worried about being taxed 2% more than they are now?

I think it's time for all Americans move together to find ways to fix the problems facing our country and name calling isn't doing a damn thing.

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