Saturday, November 10, 2012

We Are the Only Ones Who Can Make Changes

We Are the Only Ones Who Can Make Changes

Everyone complains about all the problems in our great country, but we are also allowing these problems to continue by re-electing the same officials time and time again to offices at every level of government.

There are politicians that have been in elected office for 10, 20, 30 years or more and will stay in office as long as possible to amass their post-politician fortunes.  There are entire families that are either elected to, or appointed to government positions and stay there forever, yet are the same people that block any real reform at all levels.  Why?  Because necessary reform would mean an end to their draining of our country.

A large portion of our country, workers do not have automatic pensions, where you can earn more in retirement than when working on-the-job, yet most "public" employees have generous pension plans that are the envy of anyone.  While Americans have to live-and-die with stock market gyrations affecting their 401k retirement plans, "public" employees are guaranteed specific cost-of-living raises, pension contributions and other perks that are paid by taxpayers.  Enough!

For example, if a military member serves 20 years in service to our country, went to war several times and endured horrible situations, that person will receive a 50% pension, based upon the last 3 years of military pay.  Once retired, any cost-of-living allowances (COLA) must be voted and approved by Congress.

If a US Senator serves 20 years in the Senate, they receive will receive as a minimum, 80% of their pay when they leave the Senate.  The percentage may go as high as 200% of their pay as they remain in the Senate more than 20 years.  The COLAs for these "retirees" is automatic.

A member of Congress is eligible for a retirement pension after only 5 years in office.  This is a fact.  Go to:  to read this yourselves.

This means that after only 5 years of doing nothing, a member of Congress receives a pension that someone in the military has to work 20 years.  Enough!

On of the main problems is that we continue to re-elect the same people to power positions over and over again.  These people make the rules that provide themselves with the luxuries only a few of the American public can achieve by working all their lives.  Enough!

Do I have all the answers?  Of course not, but I believe there are millions of Americans that have ideas, commitment and courage to make their voices heard and help steer our country in a different direction.

I am suggesting that a citizen groups around the country be formed and dedicated to correcting some of these problems that inevitably weaken our country.

My first out any elected official, at any level of government, after serving 10 years in that office.  There are some situations where this can't be done, such as US Senators...but they can be dumped after 2 terms (12 years).

If you believe this idea has merit, please send me feedback by using the Feedback button at the bottom of this page.  nothing will ever change in this country, unless we initiate the change.

I will continue to use this forum to make my voice as loud as possible because it seems only the loudest are heard and achieve any change.

Thank you for listening.

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